In an ancient Native American tale*, a chief tells a boy in his tribe a story about a fight between two wolves.
One of the wolves represents peace, happiness, serenity, and kindness, while the other wolf represents anger, envy, greed, and resentment. What the boy is most interested to know, of course, is who wins the fight.
But the wise chief replies: the wolf that wins is the wolf you feed.
In our personal and professional lives alike, a fight between good and evil is often going on inside us. There are days when we are optimistic and full of energy, and days when we are angry and pessimistic.
Rather than being all good or all bad, life is a colourful spectrum of emotion, and we hope that the coming holidays and the new year bring you an abundance of light and as little darkness as possible.
May you enter the new year with optimism inspired by the qualities of the first wolf.
Happy holidays and all the best in the new year.
*The story was taken from the book “Beware Which Wolf You Feed” by Dr Kenan Crnkić