This year, Bisnode Slovenija, a company specialising in data analytics, awarded Griffing a Platinum Creditworthiness Certificate of Excellence, their highest possible recognition of business excellence at the European level. The certificate confirms that Griffing has achieved the international standard for Gold Creditworthiness Certificate of Excellence for the third year in a row and is one of the most reliable Slovenian businesses to be guaranteed with this internationally recognised status.
Only 1.3% of Slovenian companies were awarded Platinum Creditworthiness in 2020
In the turbulent year of 2020, only 1.3% of all 177,562 registered Slovenian companies achieved a platinum credit rating, Griffing is one of them. An excellent credit rating represents an above-average credit assessment of the business.
The basis for the calculations is the Failure Score (FS) model, the most reliable estimate available to Bisnode. The integral parts of the rating are solvency, creditworthiness, indebtedness, profitability and other criteria of business risk.
A reliable low-risk partner
According to Bisnode, the companies that are awarded Platinum Excellence have performed best, proved themselves and maintained stability in the most rigid, uncertain and unpredictable times. Hence, they represent a reliable, trust-worthy and low-risk business for customers, partners, suppliers, and others. The certificate stands for exceptional business results and concern for the satisfaction of those involved in the work process.
Griffing’s management recognises that excellent business results stem from the joint work of our employees. On the occasion of receiving this prestigious award we would like to express a heartfelt gratitude to our entire team. We are looking forward to the new achievements that undoubtedly lie ahead of us thanks to such an outstanding and motivated group of people.